EN First, they knew, would come swelling and fever and tightened throat, and then cramps in the stomach, and then Coyotito might die if enough of the poison had gone in.
GL Todos sabían que primeiro viría a inchume, a febre e a secura na gorxa, despois, as dolorosas contraccións de estómago e finalmente se o veleno fora abondo, Coyotito podía morrer.
Fonte: PER (112)
EN Madame Ratignolle begged Robert to accompany her to the house; she complained of cramp in her limbs and stiffness of the joints.
GL Madame Ratignolle rogoulle a Robert que a acompañase á casa; queixábase de calafríos nos brazos e rixidez nas articulacións.
Fonte: ESP (450)
EN He kneaded his legs against cramp and found that his muscles were jerking after their long tension.
GL Refregou as pernas contra posibles cambras e decatouse de que despois da longa tensión os músculos tremíanlle.
Fonte: PER (1545)
transitive verb
EN It was said that the early productions of her own pencil exhibited no inferior genius, though, perhaps, the rude atmosphere of New England had cramped her hand, and dimmed the glowing colors of her fancy.
GL Disque os temperáns produtos do seu proprio lapis amosaban un xenio nada inferior, aínda que, quizais, a rude atmosfera de Nova Inglaterra entalara a súa man e embazara as cores resplandecentes da súa imaxinación.
Fonte: EDW (32)