EN And then she saw how he hooked his amulet neckstring about the horn handle of his great knife, so that it hung down in front of him and left both hands free.
GL E entón ela viu como anoaba a corda do amuleto que penduraba do seu pescozo á empuñadura de corno do seu gran coitelo, para que colgase diante del deixándolle ámbalas mans libres.
Fonte: PER (1517)
con dereito
EN Mr Ramsay felt free now to laugh out loud at Hume, who had stuck in a bog and an old woman rescued him on condition he said the Lord's Prayer, and chuckling to himself he strolled off to his study.
GL Agora o señor Ramsay sentiuse con dereito a rirse ás gargalladas de Hume, que quedara atrancado nunha lameira e a quen unha vella rescatara coa condición de que rezase un Noso Pai, e rindo para si foise camiñando cara ó seu estudio.
Fonte: CAR (1059)
EN He expected that in answer she would say something rather free, something to commit herself still further to that 'recklessness' from which Mrs Walker had so charitably endeavoured to dissuade her.
GL Esperaba que en resposta ela diría algo gratuito, algo que a comprometese aínda máis nesa "perdición" da que Mrs Walker se esforzara de xeito tan caritativo por disuadila.
Fonte: DAI (1018)
EN Startled, Ralph realized that the boys were falling still and silent, feeling the beginnings of awe at the power set free below them.
GL Alarmado, Ralph decatouse de que os rapaces ían quedando paralizados e silenciosos ó sentir temor polo poder do lume ceibo baixo deles.
Fonte: SEN (1177)
EN In Uganda, a candidate in a local election in the Nakaseke district turned the telecentre into a local campaign issue, going as far as to promise people who supported him a free trip to visit a European or North American telecentre.
GL En Uganda, nunhas eleccións locais en Nacaseque, o telecentro foi un dos temas da campaña dun candidato, que chegou a prometer ós que o apoiasen unha viaxe gratis a un telecentro europeo ou norteamericano.
Fonte: C02 (1238)
EN Adam Smith (1723-1790) recommended giving free rein to individual rivalries with the idea that their combination produced order.
GL Adam Smith (1723-1790) propón deixar renda solta ás rivalidades entre individuos, que ó conxugarse producen a orde.
Fonte: C16 (1451)
transitive verb
EN She was blindly following whatever impulse moved her, as if she had placed herself in alien hands for direction, and freed her soul of responsibility.
GL Seguía cegamente calquera pulo, coma se puxese o rumbo en mans estrañas, liberando deste xeito o seu espírito de toda responsabilidade.
Fonte: ESP (853)
EN Temple struggled to free his arm but continued, his mouth flecked by a thin foam: -- Socialism was founded by an Irishman and the first man in Europe who preached the freedom of thought was Collins.
GL Temple tentou ceibar o brazo e continuou, a boca manchada por uha escuma feble: -- O socialismo foi fundado por un irlandés e o primeiro home de Europa que predicou a liberdade de pensamento, Collins.
Fonte: RET (3843)