EN In fact, the most predictable consequences of such policies are as follows: a) that they would turn short-term migrants into long-term immigrants; b) that they would fuel the growth of increasingly fraudulent documents and organized trafficking industries; and c) that they would undermine the quality of working conditions for all workers active in the same sectors as irregular workers (whose increasingly tenuous status makes them accept virtually any conditions of work).
GL As consecuencias previsibles dunha política semellante son as seguintes: transforman os inmigrantes transitorios en inmigrantes de longa duración; estimulan a falsificación de documentos e o tráfico deses papeis falsificados; deterioran as condicións de traballo en tódolos sectores que recorren a traballadores en situación irregular, pois estes aceptan, pola precariedade do seu estatuto, calquera réxime laboral.
Fonte: C13 (44)