EN 'What is this?' and suddenly an answer was vouchsafed them (what it was they could not say): so that they were warm in the frost and had comfort in the desert.
GL ¿Isto que é?, e, de súpeto, recibían unha resposta (non podían precisar cal era): de tal xeito que sentían calor no medio da friaxe e alivio no deserto.
Fonte: CAR (2008)
EN The forests had put on their sober brown and yellow, while some trees of the tenderer kind had been nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of orange, purple, and scarlet.
GL As fragas vestían de marrón claro e amarelo, mentres que algunhas das árbores máis delicadas foran feridas polas xeadas e tiñan algúns matices laranxas, violetas e encarnados.
Fonte: LEN (159)
EN It may be remembered, that on the fourth of July last, a paragraph appeared in the papers importing that Dr. Hotham, of Northumberland, returning from Italy, over Mount St. Gothard, a score or two of years ago, had dug out from under an avalanche, in the neighbourhood of the mountain, a human being whose animation had been suspended by the action of the frost.
GL Como recordarán, o pasado catro de xullo saíu nos xornais un artigo sobre o achado, hai uns vinte ou trinta anos, do corpo dun home que tiña a animación suspendida por mor do xeo. O corpo descubrírao o doutor Hotham de Northumberland baixo a neve dunha avalancha nas proximidades do Monte San Gotardo , cando volvía de Italia.
Fonte: DOD (3)