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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- hotel, hothead, hotline, hotly, hot-shot, hotspot, hound, hour, hourly, house, house-cleaner, house-dog, house-front, household, householder, housekeeper, housekeeping, houseless, housemaid


- noun
- casa

EN The houses, which from the main street seem so low, are really of three storeys, as on their other side they descend to the sea-level.
GL As casas, que desde a rúa principal parecen moi baixas, son realmente de tres andares, xa que polo outro lado descenden ata o nivel do mar.
- Fonte: GAL (772)
- vivenda

EN She tottered up the steps, clutching feebly at the post before passing into the house.
GL Subiu os chanzos acaneándose e agarrouse debilmente á columna antes de pasar ó interior da vivenda.
- Fonte: ESP (843)
- cámara

EN He wore a wig in the House of Commons and she ably assisted him at the head of the stairs,' she repeated, fishing them up out of her mind by a phrase which, coming back from some party, she had made to amuse her husband.
GL El levaba unha perruca na cámara dos comúns e ela axudábao voluntariosamente no cimo da escaleira», repetiu, repescándoos da memoria cunha frase que dixera, ó volver dalgunha festa, para facer rir ó seu home
- Fonte: CAR (739)
- residencia

EN He was passing at that moment before the jesuit house in Gardiner Street and wondered vaguely which window would be his if he ever joined the order.
GL Nese momento pasaba por diante da residencia dos xesuítas en Gardiner Street, preguntándose vagamente cal sería a súa fiestra se algunha vez quedaba incorporado á Orde.
- Fonte: RET (3215)

- intransitive verb
- aloxarse

EN Within a week I was sumptuously equipped with all needful comforts and luxuries, and was housed in an expensive private hotel in Hanover Square.
GL E, en menos dunha semana, xa estaba eu suntuosamente provisto de tódalas comodidades e luxos precisos e aloxábame nun hotel caro e reservado de Hanover Square.
- Fonte: BIL (189)

- transitive verb
- albergar

EN The traditional Iban dwelling is the longhouse, a semi-permanent structure housing 20 or more families in separate living apartments.
GL O hábitat tradicional iban consiste nunha casa longa, estructura semipermanente que alberga 20 familias ou máis en apartamentos separados.
- Fonte: C21 (462)