transitive verb
EN The notary's wife pressed through the crowd with a whole progeny of little embryo escribanos at her heels, and throwing herself at the feet of the captain-general, implored him not to sacrifice the life of her husband, and the welfare of herself and her numerous little ones, to a point of pride; "for you know the old governor too well," said she, "to doubt that he will put his threat in execution, if you hang the soldier".
GL Abriu paso entre a multitude a dona do escribán cunha enorme prole de escribaniños en xerme atrás dela e, guindándose ós pés do capitán xeneral, imploroulle que non sacrificase a vida do seu home co benestar propio e dos seus numerosos cativos por unha cuestión de orgullo "pois coñecéde-lo vello gobernador abondo", dixo ela, "para dubidar de que poña el en execución a súa ameaza, de vós enforcárde-lo soldado".
Fonte: ALH (74)
EN I implore you, my friend, do not say that.
GL Prégolle que non diga tal, meu amigo.
Fonte: ASA (3995)