EN As though animated by a common impulse, the onlookers drew back to a respectful distance; nor were they again indiscreet enough to interrupt.
GL Animados por un impulso común, os espectadores recuaron prudentemente. Ninguén ousaría comete-la indiscreción de importunalos.
Fonte: CHA (1416)
EN A quick impulse that was somewhat spasmodic impelled her fingers to close in a sort of clutch upon his hand.
GL Un rápido pulo, en certo xeito espasmódico, contraeu os seus dedos coma unha garra sobre a man de Arobin.
Fonte: ESP (2112)
EN And it was then too, in that chill and windy way, as she began to paint, that there forced themselves upon her other things, her own inadequacy, her insignificance, keeping house for her father off the Brompton Road, and had much ado to control her impulse to fling herself (thank Heaven she had always resisted so far) at Mrs Ramsay's knee and say to her -- but what could one say to her?
GL E tamén era entón cando, daquel xeito frío e desacougado, ó poñerse a pintar, se apoderaban dela outras ideas, a súa ineptitude, a súa insignificancia, a obriga de goberna-la casa do seu pai preto de Brompton Road, e tiña que facer moitos esforzos para controla-la arroutada de botarse (gracias ó ceo que polo de agora se reprimira) onda o colo da señora Ramsay e dicirlle... ¿Pero que se lle podía dicir?
Fonte: CAR (183)