EN Supreme Judge, from His sentence there will be and can be no appeal.
GL É o Supremo Xuíz e da súa sentencia non hai, non pode haber, apelación.
Fonte: RET (2331)
transitive verb
EN He was at all events destined to become aware little by little, as time went by, that she was all the while looking at his life, judging it, measuring it, in the light of the thing she knew, which grew to be at last, with the consecration of the years, never mentioned between them save as "the real truth" about him.
GL En todo caso, estaba destinado a decatarse pouco a pouco, conforme pasaba o tempo, de que ela estaba sempre observando a súa vida, xulgándoa, avaliándoa segundo aquilo que sabía, que finalmente, co paso dos anos, chegou a ser mencionado entre eles unicamente como "a auténtica verdade" sobre el.
Fonte: BES (260)
EN The floor was made up of huge blocks of some very hard white metal, not plates nor slabs-blocks, and it was so much worn, as I judged by the going to and fro of past generations, as to be deeply channelled along the more frequented ways.
GL O chan estaba composto de inmensos bloques dalgún metal duro e branco, non eran placas nin lousas, senón bloques, e estaban moi erosionados polo que eu considerei coma o ir e vir de xeracións pasadas, ata o punto de ter fondas canles ó longo dos camiños máis frecuentados.
Fonte: TEM (580)