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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- lieutenant, life, life-blood, lifeboat, lifeless, lifelike, lifelong, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, lighten, lighter, light-hearted, lighthouse, lighting, lightly, lightness, lightning


- transitive verb
- erguer

EN Yes, said Cecil Thunder eagerly, and I saw him lift the pandybat over his shoulder and he's not allowed to do that.
GL Si --concordou Cecil Thunder cheo de ansia. E eu vin como erguía a palmeta por riba do ombreiro, cousa que non está permitida.
- Fonte: RET (1200)
- levantar

EN "I wish my old woman could see me now," he said, lifting his torch for a moment to shine it ahead, and at that moment the shot came.
GL Vaia, gustaríame que me vise agora a miña muller... --mentres falaba, levantou o brazo da lanterna para aumentar o campo de visión; entón chegou o tiro.
- Fonte: TER (2318)

- intransitive verb
- disiparse

EN She felt as if a mist had been lifted from her eyes, enabling her to took upon and comprehend the significance of life, that monster made up of beauty and brutality.
GL Sentía coma se a brétema que lle tapaba os ollos se disipara, permitíndolle ver e comprende-lo significado da vida, ese monstro composto de beleza e de brutalidade.
- Fonte: ESP (2378)

- noun
- Para este significado o inglés americano emprega elevator.
- ascensor

EN Not knowing precisely why it was that he wanted to disparage Shakespeare and come to the rescue of the man who stands eternally in the door of the lift, he picked a leaf sharply from the hedge.
GL Sen saber certamente por que quería abafallar a Shakespeare e saír en rescate do home que queda permanentemente na porta do ascensor, arrincou unha folla da sebe.
- Fonte: CAR (538)
.....--- to give a lift
- levar

EN I caught him up by his taxi and said, 'I haven't any transport. Would you give me a lift into town?
GL Alcanceino xunto ao taxi e solicitei: --Non teño coche. ¿Podería levarme á cidade?
- Fonte: TER (167)