EN He said very gently: 'You still refuse to tell me the meaning of those words --"When it's behind us"?
GL Poirot preguntoulle con moita amabilidade: --Segue sen me querer explica-lo significado das palabras "cando todo remate"?
Fonte: ASA (4442)
EN I don't think that it has a meaning, but the true and the beautiful are akin.
GL Non penso que isto teña senso ningún, agás que o verdadeiro e o belo sexan da mesma natureza.
Fonte: RET (4126)
EN He worked hard --seven hours a day; his subject was now the influence of something upon somebody-- they were walking on and Mrs Ramsay did not quite catch the meaning, only the words, here and there... dissertation... fellowship... readership... lectureship.
GL Traballaba duro: sete horas ó día; o seu tema actualmente era a influencia de algo en alguén. Ían camiñando e a señora Ramsay non daba entendido axeitadamente o sentido do que dicía, fóra dalgunhas palabras de cando en vez... tese... investigación... lectorado... conferencia.
Fonte: CAR (111)