EN On the morning of the day you mention, a day that is for ever branded on my memory, I prepared as usual to take the baby out in its perambulator.
GL Pola mañá do día que mencionou vostede, un día que quedou gravado para sempre na miña memoria, prepareime para levar, como era o meu costume, o rapaz no cochiño.
Fonte: ERN (1971)
EN His soul, as these memories came back to him, became again a child's soul.
GL A súa alma, mentres estas lembranzas tornaban a el, volveu a ser de novo como a dun neno.
Fonte: RET (2245)
EN Sally's terrible revelation had done its work; Aleck had tried hard to drive the memory of it out of her mind, but it would not go, and the shame and bitterness of it were poisoning her gracious dream life.
GL Aquela terrible revelación de Sally producira efecto e Aleck esforzouse moito por intentar botar da cabeza o seu recordo, pero este non quería marchar, e a vergoña e a amargura que lle producía empezoñaba a súa elegante vida de soño.
Fonte: LEG (508)