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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- mope, moraine, moral, morale, moralist, morality, moralize, morally, moratorium, morbid, morbidity, more, moreover, mores, morganatic, morgue, moribund, morning, Moroccan


- adjective
- morboso

EN You are morbid, mon cher.
GL É vostede un morboso, mon cher.
- Fonte: ASA (497)
- enfermizo

EN When Doctor Mandelet dined with the Pontelliers on Thursday he could discern in Mrs. Pontellier no trace of that morbid condition which her husband had reported to him.
GL O xoves, durante a cea cos Pontellier, o doutor Mandelet non atopou na señora Pontellier nin rastro do estado enfermizo do que lle falara o seu home.
- Fonte: ESP (1928)
- mórbido

EN In general these two features would be thought to exist independently: but, with my previous theory of the necessity in all cases that, with studies of so uncertain and even morbid an effect upon the spirits as literature, should be combined some analytic exercise of inevitable healthy action, in this respect it was natural that I should connect them in my mind as cause and effect; and, in that view, they gave a double attestation to Mr. Coleridge's advice where it agrees with mine --and to mine where it differs from his.
GL En xeral, pensaríase que eses dous trazos poderían existir independentemente; pero, coa miña previa teoría da necesidade de que, en tódolos casos, estudios de efecto tan incerto e mesmo mórbido sobre o espírito como a literatura, deberían combinarse cun exercicio analítico de inevitable acción saudable, neste sentido era natural que conectase os dous na miña mente como causa e efecto; e neste aspecto, déronlle unha dobre atestación á opinión do Sr. Coleridge no que coincide coa miña, e á miña no que difire da del.
- Fonte: LET (74)