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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- stately, statement, state-of-the-art, state-owned, state-paid, state-run, statesman, statewide, static, station, stationary, statistic, statistical, statistics, statuary, statue, statuesque, statuette, stature


- noun
- estación

EN We were down there at a meeting and after the meeting was over we had to make our way to the railway station through the crowd.
GL Foramos alá a un mitin e despois de que o mitin rematase tivemos que abrirnos paso entre o xentío para chegarmos á estación de ferrocarril.
- Fonte: RET (783)
- posto

EN It was a matter of no little vanity to him, on Sundays, to take his station in front of the church gallery, with a band of chosen singers; where, in his own mind, he completely carried away the palm from the parson.
GL Resultaba un acto de non pouca arrogancia o feito de ocupa-lo seu posto diante da tribuna da igrexa ós domingos, cun grupo de cantantes escollidos por el, e entre os que estaba convencido de se-lo preferido do cura.
- Fonte: LEN (50)
- comisaría

EN At least, Martins thought, I am not under arrest: they have not sent a guard; I am being invited --wasn't that the word they used?-- to visit the station to make a statement.
GL Polo menos non me levan preso, pensou Martins, non mandaron gardas. Invitáronme... ¿non é esa a palabra que usan?... para que vaia declarar á comisaría.
- Fonte: TER (1288)
- emisora

EN During communism, state-run radio and television stations beamed educational programmes across the grassy steppes.
GL En tempos do comunismo, as emisoras de radio e televisión estatais transmitían programas educativos a toda a estepa.
- Fonte: C02 (339)
- canle

EN In Los Angeles there are two Asian language and three Spanish language television stations.
GL A cidade conta con dúas canles de televisión en linguas asiáticas e tres en español.
- Fonte: C13 (383)

- transitive verb
- estacionar

EN Then he saw that two persons were stationed upon the low steps which formed its base.
GL Logo viu que había duas persoas estacionadas nos escalóns que formaban a base.
- Fonte: DAI (1337)
- instalar

EN The young mother of a baby boy and a unit commander of the African National Congress army, Ndwandwe was stationed with her unit in neighbouring Swaziland when she crossed the border one day, never to be seen again.
GL Esta muller nova, nai dun bebé e comandante dunha unidade do exército do ANC, estaba instalada na veciña Suazilandia. Un día cruzou a fronteira e nunca máis foi vista.
- Fonte: C23 (261)