EN She perceived that her will had blazed up, stubborn and resistant.
GL Decatábase de que a vontade se lle disparara, obstinada e resistente.
Fonte: ESP (820)
EN For the rest, he laughed with his arms and legs, and his politics were stubborn and easily understood.
GL De todo o demais ría ás gargalladas e a súa política era obcecada e doada de entender.
Fonte: TRE (50)
EN It isn't pragmatic, it's rather fatalistic, it believes in myths and it's stubborn, very stubborn --to the point of self-destruction.
GL Ten unha propensión á fatalidade, cre nos mitos, é testuda, moi testuda, ata a autodestrucción.
Fonte: C19 (1318)