EN A crowd of figures moves along the quay in a thick atmosphere of tar and fish between a wood of the masts of fishing-boats and the dark arches of the low arcades, with balconies above covered with nets, sails, ropes and clothes.
GL Móvese unha multitude de figuras ó longo do peirao nunha atmosfera mesta de piche e peixe, entre a madeira dos mastros dos pesqueiros, os arcos escuros e os soportais baixos que teñen balcóns por riba cubertos de redes, velas, cordas e roupas.
Fonte: GAL (947)
EN To mortify his smell was more difficult as he found in himself no instinctive repugnance to bad odours whether they were the odours of the outdoor world, such as those of dung or tar, or the odours of his own person among which he had made many curious comparisons and experiments.
GL Mortificar o olfacto foi máis difícil xa que non daba atopado unha repugnancia instintiva aos malos cheiros, quer procedentes do mundo exterior, como o do estrume ou chapapote, quer os da súa propia persoa entre os que fixera curiosas comparacións e experimentos.
Fonte: RET (3063)