EN To mortify the taste he practised strict habits at table, observed to the letter all the fasts of the church and sought by distraction to divert his mind from the savours of different foods.
GL Para mortificar o gusto puxo en práctica hábitos estrictos na mesa, observou ao pé da letra os xaxúns todos da Igrexa e procurou afastar a mente dos sabores das diferentes comidas.
Fonte: RET (3065)
EN But with due deference to so excellent a friend and so deserving a patriot, I cannot be altogether in his sentiments; for as to the males, my American acquaintance assured me, from frequent experience, that their flesh was generally tough and lean, like that of our schoolboys by continual exercise, and their taste disagreeable; and to fatten them would not answer the charge.
GL Mais, co debido respecto a un excelente amigo e tan merecido patriota, non son da mesma opinión, pois un amigo americano aseguroume por experiencia que a carne dos machos era polo regular dura e graxenta, coma a dos nosos rapaces debido ó continuo exercicio, e que tiña un sabor desagradable. Ademais, cebalos non xustificaría o gasto.
Fonte: PRO (29)
transitive verb
EN He tasted his soup and began to season it with pepper, salt, vinegar, mustard --everything within reach.
GL Probou a sopa e comezou a sazonala con sal, pementa, vinagre, mostaza e todo o que había ó seu alcance.
Fonte: ESP (1383)
EN But when he had sung his song and withdrawn into a snug corner of the room he began to taste the joy of his loneliness.
GL Mais despois de ter cantado a súa canción e de ficar agachado nun recanto da habitación comezou a saborear a ledicia da soidade.
Fonte: RET (1464)