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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- clangor, clap, claret, clarification, clarify, clarinet, clarity, clash, clasp, class, classic, classical, classicism, classics, classification, classify, classmate, classroom, clatter


- noun
- clase

EN Though nobody spoke to him of the affair after class he could feel about him a vague general malignant joy.
GL Aínda que ninguén falara con el do asunto despois da clase, Stephen podía sentir unha ledicia maligna e vaga ao redor súa.
- Fonte: RET (1685)
- clase social

EN The first and most important is a remark made to me by M. Bouc in the restaurant-car at lunch on the first day after leaving Stamboul -- to the effect that the company assembled was interesting because it was so varied -- representing as it did all classes and nationalities.
GL O primeiro e máis importante é un comentario que me fixo Monsieur Bouc no vagón restaurante á hora do xantar o día que saímos de Istambul. Díxome que o grupo de persoas que iamos no tren era moi interesante pola súa variedade, xa que estaban representadas tódalas clases sociais e nacionalidades.
- Fonte: ASA (5884)
- curso

EN Students around the globe can enrol in classes like Temasek's, which cover everything from engineering to tourism and even an introduction to Japanese Katakana characters.
GL Estudiantes do mundo enteiro poden matricularse en cursos que van da enxeñería ó turismo, pasando por unha introducción ós personaxes xaponeses do Katakana.
- Fonte: C01 (859)
- categoría

EN Then there are the "globalists" (a class to which I belong) who celebrate globalization instead, emphasize its upside, while seeking only to ensure that its few rough edges be handled through appropriate policies that serve to make globalization yet more attractive.
GL En cambio, hai "mundialistas" (categoría na que me inclúo) que enxalzan a mundialización, destacan os seus aspectos positivos ó tempo que tratan de lima-las súas arestas recorrendo a políticas adecuadas para tornala aínda máis atractiva.
- Fonte: C08 (81)
- aula

EN What his pupils also learn in his classes are the principles of citizenship.
GL O que se aprende na aula de Casanova son os fundamentos da cidadanía.
- Fonte: C10 (234)

- transitive verb
- clasificar

EN That disposes of the indeterminable quantities; the remainder of the matter is tangible, solid, and may be classed and labeled with certainty.
GL Iso determina todo tipo de incógnitas irresolubles mentres que, por outra parte, o resto do asunto é tanxible, sólido, e incluso se podería clasificar e encadrar coa maior das certezas.
- Fonte: BIL (112)