EN His morning walk across the city had begun, and he foreknew that as he passed the sloblands of Fairview he would think of the cloistral silver-veined prose of Newman; that as he walked along the North Strand Road, glancing idly at the windows of the provision shops, he would recall the dark humour of Guido Cavalcanti and smile; that as he went by Baird's stonecutting works in Talbot Place the spirit of Ibsen would blow through him like a keen wind, a spirit of wayward boyish beauty; and that passing a grimy marine dealer's shop beyond the Liffey he would repeat the song by Ben Jonson which begins: I was not wearier where I lay.
GL O seu paseo matutino a través da cidade tivera comezado, e adiviñaba que en canto pasara os pantanos de Fairview pensaría na prosa claustral, veteada de prata, de Newman; que ao tempo que camiñase por North Strand Road, ollando preguizoso para as tendas de comestibles, lembraría o escuro humor de Guido Cavalcanti e sorriría; que cando pasase xunto aos obradoiros dos pulidores de pedra de Baird, en Talbot Place, o espírito de Ibsen sopraría a través súa como un vento afiado; como un hálito de beleza rebelde e xuvenil; que ao cruzar fronte á ruín tenda de subministros navais, da outra banda do Liffey, repetiría a canción de Ben Jonson que comeza: Non máis canso estaba onde xacía.
Fonte: RET (3468)