EN It was a priest-like face, priest-like in its palor, in the wide winged nose, in the shadowings below the eyes and along the jaws, priest-like in the lips that were long and bloodless and faintly smiling.
GL Era un rostro clerical, clerical na súa palidez, no nariz de aletas anchas, nas sombras que tiña baixo os ollos e ao longo das queixadas, clerical nos beizos, longos, sen sangue e de sorriso desmaiado.
Fonte: RET (3492)
EN Kino's lips were thin and his jaws tight, and the people say that he carried fear with him, that he was as dangerous as a rising storm.
GL Os beizos de Kino eran unha liña delgada e as súas mandíbulas estaban tensas. E a xente dicía que levaba con el o terror, que era tan perigoso coma unha treboada que vai caer.
Fonte: PER (1597)
EN Twice his teeth clipped together, like the steel jaws of a trap, as he backed away for better footing, with lean and lifting lips that writhed and snarled.
GL Os seus colmillos pecháronse en dúas ocasións coma as fauces de aceiro dunha trampa mentres recuaba para buscar mellor posición de combate, urrando e regañando os dentes ameazadoramente.
Fonte: CHA (596)