EN He liked that men should labour and sweat on the windy beach at night, pitting muscle and brain against the waves and the wind; he liked men to work like that, and women to keep house, and sit beside sleeping children indoors, while men were drowned, out there in a storm.
GL Gustáballe que os homes se afanasen e suasen na praia, pola noite, en pleno vendaval, que se enfrontasen ás ondas e ó vento cos seus músculos e co seu cerebro; gustáballe que os homes traballasen dese xeito, e que as mulleres coidasen da casa e sentasen dentro xunta os nenos durmidos mentres os homes afogaban alí fóra no medio da treboada.
Fonte: CAR (2563)
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EN There was James wide awake and Cam sitting bolt upright, and Mildred out of bed in her bare feet, and it was almost eleven and they were all talking.
GL James estaba completamente esperto, Cam sentada moi ergueita no leito, e Mildred fóra da cama cos pés descalzos, e xa eran preto das once e todos estaban a falar.
Fonte: CAR (1765)
EN Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in a loop that placed him close to her breast.
GL Kino oíu o renxer das cordas de esparto cando Juana colleu do barrelo a Coyotito para o lavar e o acurrunchou no chal cerca do seo.
Fonte: PER (49)
EN Flashing her needles, glancing round about her, out of the window, into the room, at James himself, she assured him, beyond a shadow of a doubt, by her laugh, her poise, her competence (as a nurse carrying a light across a dark room assures a fractious child), that it was real.
GL Facendo refulxi-las agullas, mirando para o seu arredor pola ventá, mirando para a sala, para o mesmo James, ela aseguráballe, sen a menor sombra de dúbida, coa súa risa, co seu porte, co seu xeito (coma unha enfermeira cunha lámpada nun cuarto escuro dá seguridade a un neno asustado), que aquilo era real.
Fonte: CAR (467)
EN Conscious of his treachery, conscious of her wish to talk about something more intimate, yet out of mood for it at present, he felt come over him the disagreeableness of life, sitting there, waiting.
GL Consciente da súa traizón, consciente do desexo que ela tiña de falar de algo máis íntimo, pero sen humor para facelo naquel momento, alí sentado, a esperar, sentiu como se lle botaba enriba a amargura da vida.
Fonte: CAR (1436)
EN The fire by the platform appeared to be out, or at least making no smoke.
GL O lume da plataforma semellaba estar apagado, ou polo menos non botaba fume.
Fonte: SEN (4413)
EN I'd rather push a guy out the window or chop his head off with an axe than sock him in the jaw.
GL Preferiría empuxar a un tío pola fiestra, ou cortarlle o pescozo cunha machada, que darlle un castañazo.
Fonte: VIX (2928)