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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- leaning, leap, leapfrog, learn, learned, learner, learning, lease, leash, least, leastway, leather, leathern, leathery, leave, Lebanese, Lebanon, lecherous, lecture


- adjective
- mínimo

EN I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the public good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infants, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich.
GL Manifesto, co corazón na man, que non teño o mínimo interese persoal en esforzarme por promover este traballo necesario, xa que o único motivo é o ben público para o meu país, mellorando os empregos, alimentando os nenos, aliviando os pobres, e dándolles algún pracer ós ricos.
- Fonte: PRO (55)
- menor

EN For if she gave him the least chance, if he saw her disengaged a moment, looking his way a moment, he would be on her, saying, as he had said last night, 'You find us much changed'.
GL Porque se lle daba a menor oportunidade, se a vía desocupada un instante, mirando cara a el un momento, achegaríase a ela dicindo, como dixera a noite pasada: «Atópanos vostede moi cambiados».
- Fonte: CAR (2256)
- máis pequeno

EN He accepted her amendments, he enjoyed her corrections, though the moral of them was, she pointed out, that he really didn't remember the least thing about her; and he only felt it as a drawback that when all was made strictly historic there didn't appear much of anything left.
GL El aceptou as emendas, divertiuse coas correccións, aínda que o que indicaban, como ela sinalou, era que en realidade non lembraba nin o máis pequeno detalle sobre ela; e a única inconveniencia que viu foi que, cando todo se fixera conformar rigorosamente coa verdade, o que quedaba non parecía ser moito.
- Fonte: BES (35)
.....--- at least
- polo menos

EN There are at least thirty celebrated baths or springs in Galicia, besides others less well known.
GL Hai polo menos trinta fontes termais ou balnearios famosos en Galicia, á parte doutros menos coñecidos.
- Fonte: GAL (338)
- ao menos, · ó menos

EN He had learnt as a practical business that fundamental statements like this had to be said at least twice, before everyone understood them.
GL Aprendera, cun sentido práctico, que as declaracións esenciais coma esta tiñan que ser repetidas ó menos dúas veces, ata que todo o mundo as comprendese.
- Fonte: SEN (2155)
.....--- in the least
- en absoluto

EN What it had come to was that he wore a mask painted with the social simper, out of the eye-holes of which there looked eyes of an expression not in the least matching the other features.
GL Todo se reducía a que levaba unha máscara cun sorriso afectado e dous buracos, polos que miraban uns ollos cunha expresión que non casaba en absoluto co resto das faccións.
- Fonte: BES (271)
- o máis mínimo

EN But she did not let her voice change in the least as she finished the story, and added, shutting the book, and speaking the last words as if she had made them up herself, looking into James's eyes: 'And there they are living still at this very time'.
GL Pero non deixou que lle mudase a voz o máis mínimo mentres remataba o conto, e engadiu ó pecha-lo libro, dicindo as derradeiras palabras coma se as inventase ela mesma e mirando para os ollos de James: «E alí seguen vivindo aínda agora».
- Fonte: CAR (827)

- adverb
- menos

EN Finally she gathered together a few of the sketches --those which she considered the least discreditable; and she carried them with her when, a little later, she dressed and left the house.
GL Finalmente xuntou algún dos debuxos que considerou menos vergoñosos e levounos consigo, cando, un pouco máis tarde, se vestiu e saíu da casa.
- Fonte: ESP (1488)