intransitive verb
PAST: leaped, leapt. PART: leaped, leapt |
EN The great rock loitered, poised on one toe, decided not to return, moved through the air, fell, struck, turned over, leapt droning through the air and smashed a deep hole in the canopy of the forest.
GL O gran penedo demorouse un chisco, empoleirouse, decidiu non recuar, moveuse no aire, caeu, bateu no chan, envorcou, saltou zoando no aire e abriu un enorme furado ó esmaga-lo dosel da selva.
Fonte: SEN (650)
EN Then he had been sent away from home to a college, he had made his first communion and eaten slim jim out of his cricket cap and watched the firelight leaping and dancing on the wall of a little bedroom in the infirmary and dreamed of being dead, of mass being said for him by the rector in a black and gold cope, of being buried then in the little graveyard of the community off the main avenue of limes.
GL Logo enviárono da casa a un colexio, fixera a primeira comuñón e comera pasta de malvarisco que ía tirando da pucha da críquet. Despois vira o lume da lareira choutando e bailando na parede dun cuartiño de enfermería e soñara que morría, que o rector, revestido cunha casula dourada e negra, dicía misa por el e que lle daban terra no pequeno camposanto da comunidade á outra beira da avenida principal, a dos tileiros.
Fonte: RET (1944)
EN With some difficulty he got down into the glen: he found the gully up which he and his companion had ascended the preceding evening; but to his astonishment a mountain stream was now foaming down it, leaping from rock to rock, and filling the glen with babbling murmurs.
GL Chegou ata o fondo da garganta, non sen certa dificultade. Atopou o barranco polo que ascenderan el e mailo seu acompañante a noite anterior, pero quedou abraiado ó ver que por el corría agora un regato, brincando dunha rocha noutra e enchendo aquela garganta dun continuo murmurio.
Fonte: RIP (114)
EN Again the giant made a leap, coming down just in front of Fin.
GL E de novo o xigante deu un salto, quedando xusto fronte a Fin.
Fonte: BIR (97)