EN One wolf, long and lean and grey, advanced cautiously, in a friendly manner, and Buck recognised the wild brother with whom he had run for a night and a day.
GL Un lobo alto, fraco, cincento, avanzou cautelosamente mostrando sinais afectuosos. Buck recoñeceu nel ó irmán salvaxe con quen correra durante un día e unha noite.
Fonte: CHA (1663)
EN Once more, as she felt the tea warm in her, the telescope fitted itself to Mrs McNab's eyes, and in a ring of light she saw the old gentleman, lean as a rake, wagging his head, as she came up with the washing, talking to himself, she supposed, on the lawn.
GL Ó senti-la calor do té, o telescopio axustouse outra vez ós ollos da señora McNab, e nun círculo luminoso viu ó señor, mentres ela viña coa roupa lavada, xa vello e delgado coma un pao, abaneando a cabeza, falando só, supoñía ela, no prado.
Fonte: CAR (2144)
intransitive verb
PAST: leaned, leant. PART: leaned, leant |
EN Father Arnall came in and the Latin lesson began and he remained still, leaning on the desk with his arms folded.
GL Entrou o Padre Arnall e comezou a clase de Latín e Stephen seguía quieto, apoiado no pupitre cos brazos dobrados.
Fonte: RET (1059)
EN His hand, as he leaned to her, was on the arm of her chair, and, dimly smiling always now, she placed her own on it.
GL Mentres se inclinaba cara a ela, apoiaba a man no brazo da cadeira e, agora sorrindo sempre levemente, ela cubriuna coa súa.
Fonte: BES (695)
..... to lean back
EN He leaned back in his seat; he remarked to himself that she had the most charming nose he had ever seen; he wondered what were the regular conditions and limitations of one's intercourse with a pretty American flirt.
GL Reclinouse no seu asento; fíxose a si mesmo a puntualización de que ela tiña o nariz máis adorable que xamais vira na súa vida; preguntábase cales eran as condicións e as limitacións normais para relacionarse cunha estadounidense frívola e fermosa.
Fonte: DAI (230)
EN Temple sat on the pediment of a pillar, leaning back, his cap pulled down on his sleepy eyes.
GL Temple estaba sentado na base dunha columna, recostado, a pucha botada sobre os ollos somnolentos.
Fonte: RET (4703)
..... to lean forward
inclinarse cara adiante
EN 'It may be enchanting, dear child, but it is not the custom here,' urged Mrs Walker, leaning forward in her victoria with her hands devoutly clasped.
GL --Pode ser encantador, miña rapaciña, pero aquí non se leva --insistiu Mrs Walker, inclinándose cara adiante na súa carruaxe victoria coas mans devotamente entrelazadas.
Fonte: DAI (979)
..... to lean out
EN High above, Roger took his hands off the lever and leaned out to see what was going on.
GL No alto, Roger retirou as mans da panca e debruzouse para ver que ocorría.
Fonte: SEN (5398)
EN Poirot leaned out and spoke to the Wagon Lit conductor who was hurrying past.
GL Poirot asomouse e dirixiuse ó revisor de Wagon Lit, que pasaba por alí ás carreiras.
Fonte: ASA (208)
transitive verb
EN He leaned his elbows on the table and shut and opened the flaps of his ears.
GL Apoiando os cóbados na mesa tapou e destapou os oídos.
Fonte: RET (172)