EN In this tiny beehive of activity, covered with stencils of the resistance movement's famous black fist and jam-packed with files, leaflets and posters, initiatives were hatched that brought a 13-year-old mafia-ridden political system to its knees.
GL Desde este exiguo cuartel xeral, cuberto de pintadas co famoso puño de resistencia, ateigado de documentos, panfletos e carteis, partiron as iniciativas que neutralizaron o sistema político-mafioso instalado desde había 13 anos nunha parte de Serbia.
Fonte: C07 (998)
EN Meanwhile, the government launched a much-welcomed information campaign on contraception in January 2000, with TV and radio spots and the distribution of five million leaflets on contraception to highschool students.
GL Pola súa parte, en xaneiro de 2000 o goberno lanzou unha campaña informativa sobre contracepción con anuncios na televisión e na radio e reparto de cinco millóns de folletos entre os estudiantes dos institutos.
Fonte: C15 (1559)