EN The fellows said it was made of whalebone and leather with lead inside: and he wondered what was the pain like.
GL Os rapaces dicían que estaba feita de óso de balea e coiro e que dentro levaba chumbo: e Stephen preguntábase como sería a dor.
Fonte: RET (1013)
transitive verb
PAST: led. PART: led |
EN He would follow a devious course up and down the streets, circling always nearer and nearer in a tremor of fear and joy, until his feet led him suddenly round a dark corner.
GL Seguiría un itinerario confuso, rúas para arriba e para abaixo, facendo circos cada vez máis estreitos, tremendo de medo e ledicia, ata que os pés o levasen, de súbito, a unha esquina escura.
Fonte: RET (2122)
EN Ralph picked out Jack easily, even at that distance, tall, red-haired, and inevitably leading the procession.
GL Ralph distinguiu a Jack facilmente, mesmo dende aquela distancia: alto, rubio, e, como non, dirixindo a procesión.
Fonte: SEN (1859)
EN He took her arm and led her away, looking anxiously and continuously down into her face.
GL Colleuna do brazo e conduciuna fóra daquel lugar, mirándoa constantemente con cara de preocupación.
Fonte: ESP (964)
EN The chief led them, trotting steadily, exulting in his achievement.
GL O xefe guiábaos; corría lixeiro e exultante pola súa conquista.
Fonte: SEN (5150)
EN This ecstasy, this forgetfulness of living, comes to the artist, caught up and out of himself in a sheet of flame; it comes to the soldier, war-mad on a stricken field and refusing quarter; and it came to Buck, leading the pack, sounding the old wolf-cry, straining after the food that was alive and that fled swiftly before him through the moonlight.
GL Esa éxtase, ese esquencemento da existencia, prende no artista convertíndoo nun lume de paixóns, prende no soldado cando no fragor da batalla non demanda nin concede cuartel, e prendeu en Buck que encabezaba a grea pegando o ancestral alarido dos lobos na porfía por atrapa-lo alimento vivo que fuxía velozmente diante del no resplandor do luar.
Fonte: CHA (584)
intransitive verb
..... to lead to
levar a
EN Steps lead to its belfry up a rock which forms an arch with the wall of the church.
GL Uns chanzos levan ó campanario construído sobre unha pena que forma un arco coa parede da igrexa.
Fonte: GAL (1144)
conducir a
EN In one part of the road leading to the church was found the saddle trampled in the dirt; the tracks of horses' hoofs deeply dented in the road, and evidently at furious speed, were traced to the bridge, beyond which, on the bank of a broad part of the brook, where the water ran deep and black, was found the hat of the unfortunate Ichabod, and close beside it a shattered pumpkin.
GL Nunha zona do camiño que conducía á igrexa atopouse a sela, que estaba esmagada e chea de barro; as pegadas dos cascos dos cabalos estaban moi ben marcadas no camiño, proba da gran velocidade á que cabalgaran, e chegaban ata a ponte, máis aló da cal, na ribeira dunha parte ancha do arroio, por onde as augas son profundas e escuras, atopouse o sombreiro do malogrado Ichabod e, moi preto del, unha cabaza escachizada.
Fonte: LEN (316)