EN He would have her observe (he lifted his right foot and then his left) that she had never seen boots made quite that shape before. They were made of the finest leather in the world, also.
GL Quería que se decatase (ergueu o pé dereito e logo o esquerdo) de que nunca vira unhas botas da mesma feitura. Ademais estaban feitas co mellor coiro do mundo.
Fonte: CAR (2384)
EN He saw the dark horny feet of the men and their ragged white clothes, and he heard the creak of leather of the saddle and the clink of spurs.
GL Vía os escuros pés osudos dos homes e os seus raídos pantalóns brancos, e oía o renxer da pel da sela e o tintinar das esporas.
Fonte: PER (1334)
de coiro
EN The great pearl was wrapped in an old soft piece of deerskin and placed in a little leather bag, and the leather bag was in a pocket in Kino's shirt.
GL A gran perla estaba envolta nunha vella e suave peza de pel de veado e metida nunha pequena bolsa de coiro que Kino colocou no peto da camisa.
Fonte: PER (723)
de pel
EN I was in a hand-bag --a somewhat large, black leather hand-bag, with handles to it-- an ordinary hand-bag in fact.
GL Foi nun bolso de man, relativamente grande, de pel negra e con dúas asas, en fin, un bolso de man normal e corrente.
Fonte: ERN (538)