EN And he tasted in the language of memory ambered wines, dying fallings of sweet airs, the proud pavan, and saw with the eyes of memory kind gentlewomen in Covent Garden wooing from their balconies with sucking mouths and the pox-fouled wenches of the taverns and young wives that, gaily yielding to their ravishers, clipped and clipped again.
GL E na linguaxe da memoria Stephen degustaba os viños ambarinos, as cadencias agónicas das melodías, a orgullosa pavana, e vía cos ollos da memoria as xentís donas do Convent Garden namorando desde os balcóns e mimando bicos, e as mozas das tabernas cheas de pústulas e as recén casadas, rendéndose con ledicia aos seus conquistadores e enlazándose neles unha e outra vez.
Fonte: RET (4676)