EN Spain, with its ample grazing lands and steady winds, is also soon likely to be attracting investment.
GL Tamén é probable que España, coas súas vastas chairas e os seus ventos regulares, atraia os inversores.
Fonte: C02 (776)
EN Certainly the cricket fans in Sharjah and Toronto bear ample testimony to this.
GL Os afeccionados ó cricket en Sharjah e Toronto poden dar abundantes testemuños sobre o tema.
Fonte: C14 (561)
EN I should say myself that there was ample time.
GL Eu diría que hai tempo abondo para...
Fonte: ASA (2589)
EN She sat on the sofa, clad in an ample white peignoir, holding a handkerchief tight in her hand with a nervous clutch.
GL Estaba sentada no sofá, vestida cun amplo peignoir branco, agarrando coas súas mans crispadas un pano.
Fonte: ESP (3106)