EN Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo....
GL Alá noutros tempos, e moi bos que eran, había unha vaca que facía mu baixando pola estrada, e esta vaca que facía mu e baixaba pola estrada atopou un rapazoliño ben guapo a quen dicían o neno da casa...
Fonte: RET (67)
EN When her son, who was then a baby, had grown up he received word in some way, not handed down, that his mother was glamoured by faeries, and imprisoned for the time in a house in Glasgow and longing to see him.
GL Cando o seu fillo, que daquela era tan só un meniño, se fixo maior, tivo dalgún xeito novas (que non lle foron transmitidas) de que súa nai se atopaba encantada polos trasgos, presa nunha casa de Glasgow, e que desexaba velo.
Fonte: CEL (63)
EN In a moment of mental abstraction, for which I never can forgive myself, I deposited the manuscript in the basinette, and placed the baby in the hand-bag.
GL Nun momento de abstracción mental, que non me perdoarei xamais, puxen a novela no cochiño e o rapaz no saco de man.
Fonte: ERN (1973)
EN There was a picture of Madame Lebrun with Robert as a baby, seated in her lap, a round-faced infant with a fist in his mouth.
GL Había unha foto de Madame Lebrun con Robert de bebé, sentado no seu regazo; un neno con cara redonda co puño na boca.
Fonte: ESP (1261)