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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- babe, Babel, baboon, baby, Babylon, Babylonian, baccalaureate, Bacchus, bachelor, back, backboard, backbone, backcloth, backdrop, backed, backer, backfire, background, backhand


- noun
- parte de atrás

EN They also wear great straw hats with a black ribbon hanging at the back, made, like the capes, by the peasants themselves.
GL Levan tamén grandes sombreiros de palla cunha goma negra colgando pola parte de atrás, feitos, coma as corozas, polos mesmos campesiños.
- Fonte: GAL (1115)
- costas

EN And last he turned his head to Juana, his wife, who lay beside him on the mat, her blue head shawl over her nose and over her breasts and around the small of her back.
GL Finalmente, volveu a cabeza para Juana, a súa muller, que permanecía deitada onda el, na esteira, co seu chal azul sobre o peito tapándolle o nariz e, por detrás, unha parte das costas.
- Fonte: PER (13)
- respaldo

EN The Lieutenant-Governor sat, one afternoon, resting his head against the carved back of his stately arm chair, and gazing up thoughtfully at the void blackness of the picture.
GL O tenente-gobernador sentábase, unha tarde, repousando a súa cabeza contra o tallado respaldo da súa maxestosa cadeira de brazos e fitando para arriba meditabundo á baleira negrura da pintura.
- Fonte: EDW (25)
- lombo

EN He, alone among men, could put a pack upon Buck's back in the summer travelling.
GL Unicamente lle permitía a el poñer un fardo sobre o seu lombo nas viaxes estivais.
- Fonte: CHA (1232)
- dorso

EN He wiped his nose and mouth with the back of his hand and for the first time since the morning felt hungry.
GL Limpou a boca e o nariz co dorso da man e, por primeira vez dende a mañá, sentiu fame.
- Fonte: SEN (5660)
- reverso

EN He saw himself sitting at his table in Bray the morning after the discussion at the Christmas dinner table, trying to write a poem about Parnell on the back of one of his father's second moiety notices.
GL Víase sentado xunto da mesa de Bray, a mañá despois da discusión da cea de Nadal, tentando escribir un poema sobre Parnell no reverso dun dos documentos de recadación do seu pai.
- Fonte: RET (1493)
- fondo

EN Enter Jack slowly from the back of the garden.
GL Entra Jack , paseniñamente, dende o fondo do xardín.
- Fonte: ERN (944)
- final

EN He was always coming in and sitting down in the back of the room for about a half an hour.
GL Sempre andaba a entrar e a sentar alí, ó final da clase, por media hora ou así.
- Fonte: VIX (5501)

- adverb
- na parte traseira

EN Back in the yard was a room for servants, in which old Celestine had been ensconced.
GL Na parte traseira do patio estaba o cuarto do servicio no que a vella Célestine se acomodara.
- Fonte: ESP (2575)
- atrás

EN Lily stepped back to get her canvas -- so -- into perspective.
GL Lily deu un paso atrás para ve-lo seu cadro... Así... en perspectiva.
- Fonte: CAR (2706)
- de volta

EN I promised Harry to see you were all right and that you got your plane back...
GL Prometinlle a Harry que coidaría de vostede e tamén de que colla o avión de volta...
- Fonte: TER (579)
.....--- to go back
- volver

EN They exchanged a few brief remarks, and presently the girl rose and went back to her compartment.
GL Intercambiaron algúns comentarios breves e por fin a rapaza ergueuse e volveu para o seu compartimento.
- Fonte: ASA (142)
.....--- to come back
- regresar

EN I don't know-- he never came back again.
GL Non se sabe, endexamais regresou.
- Fonte: RIP (174)
.....--- to give back
- devolver

EN She hadn't lost it, but she wouldn't give it back to him, he saw, without some putting forth of his hand for it; and he not only saw that, but saw several things more, things odd enough in the light of the fact that at the moment some accident of grouping brought them face to face he was still merely fumbling with the idea that any contact between them in the past would have had no importance.
GL Ela non o perdera, pero percibiu que non llo devolvería sen que el estendese algo a man para recibilo; e non só percibiu iso, senón varias cousas máis, cousas ben estrañas tendo en conta que, cando un movemento fortuíto do grupo os situou fronte a fronte, el aínda lle estaba a dar voltas á idea de que calquera contacto entre eles no pasado non debera ter importancia ningunha.
- Fonte: BES (13)
.....--- to look back
- mirar para atrás

EN A second time she felt the approach of pursuit, and again she said: "Look back, and see who is coming".
GL Unha segunda vez, a anciá sentiu que os perseguían de cerca e dixo de novo: "Mira para atrás a ver quén se está a acercar".
- Fonte: BIR (45)
.....--- to shrink back
- recuar

EN As Wolfgang was crossing the square, he shrank back with horror at finding himself close by the guillotine.
GL Mentres Wolfgang cruzaba a praza, recuou arrepiado ó se atopar preto da guillotina.
- Fonte: EXP (30)
.....--- to step back
- retroceder

EN Withdrawing the key I stepped back from the recess.
GL Collín a chave e retrodecín para saír do recuncho.
- Fonte: CAS (141)

- adjective
- traseiro

EN As soon as he had heard her tale, he went behind the back door and began muttering, muttering, muttering-making spells.
GL Nada máis escoitar o relato da muller, este púxose do outro lado da porta traseira e comezou a murmurar sortilexios.
- Fonte: CEL (55)
- atrasado

EN A distressed 11-year-old schoolgirl in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, phoned the country's largest daily, El Tiempo, to beg for a back issue because she had lost her own copy.
GL En Bogotá, unha estudiante de once anos chamou desconsolada á sede do diario El Tiempo para pedir que Ile enviasen un exemplar atrasado porque se perdera o "seu".
- Fonte: C32 (912)

- transitive verb
- patrocinar

EN The so-called "war on coca" in Colombia, backed by the United States, is destroying jungles and forests, and threatening the health of half a million peasants and indigenous peoples
GL A chamada "guerra contra a coca" en Colombia, patrocinada por Estados Unidos, acaba con selvas e fragas e ameaza a saúde de medio millón de campesiños e indíxenas.
- Fonte: C16 (714)
- defender

EN As well as these schemes, there is the Amazon Region Protected Areas Programme, backed by Brazil, the World Bank and other international bodies, such as the World Wildlife Fund and the World Bank Forest Alliance Programme.
GL E a estes dous planos engádese o proxecto Amazon Region Protected Areas Program, defendido polo mesmo goberno brasileiro, mais tamén polo Banco Mundial e outras axencias e organismos internacionais (WWF, WB Forest Alliance Program)
- Fonte: C27 (719)
- apoiar

EN According to the Catholic Church's Land Commission, which backs the Sem Terra movement, 1,169 violent deaths have occurred in rural Brazil since 1985, including those of trade unionists, peasants, lawyers and priests.
GL Segundo datos da Comisión Pastoral da Terra, entidade eclesial que apoia o MST, desde 1985 rexistráronse 1.169 víctimas da violencia no medio rural de Brasil, entre sindicalistas, campesiños, avogados seus e sacerdotes.
- Fonte: C30 (282)

- intransitive verb
.....--- back down
- dar marcha atrás

EN The party leadership backed down and the job went to a younger and less qualified man.
GL A dirección deu marcha atrás e nomeou para este posto a un varón, menos cualificado e máis novo.
- Fonte: C24 (397)