EN He could hear the band playing The Lily of Killarney and knew that in a few moments the curtain would go up.
GL Escoitou a banda tocando The Lily of Killarney e soubo que nuns poucos momentos o pano ía erguerse.
Fonte: RET (1790)
EN A small band of them were lying on their stomachs on the floor looking at the colored sheets of the comic papers which Mr. Pontellier had brought down.
GL Un pequeno grupo deles, tombados boca abaixo no chan, miraban as páxinas en cor das bandas deseñadas que o señor Pontellier trouxera.
Fonte: ESP (570)
EN The only thing approaching to an ornament which she wore, was a broad black band round her neck, clasped by diamonds.
GL O único que se podería considerar como adorno de todo o que levaba posto era unha cinta negra e ancha que levaba arredor do pescozo, abrochada con diamantes.
Fonte: EXP (71)
EN There was a stretch of grass in a place where the palms left a wide band of turf between the forest and the shore.
GL As palmeiras deixaban agroma-la herba, que formaba un cómaro ancho entre a selva e a beira do mar.
Fonte: SEN (4468)
EN A band of twenty moose had crossed over from the land of streams and timber, and chief among them was a great bull.
GL Unha manada de vinte alces chegara desde a rexión dos grandes ríos e entre todos destacaba a figura dun enorme macho.
Fonte: CHA (1549)
EN During an offensive in Mawchi, Kayah state, Aye Myint and a band of boy soldiers "entered a village and shot all the villagers, because we thought of them as our enemies".
GL Durante unha ofensiva en Mawchi, Estado de Kayah, Aye Myint, dun batallón de menores soldados, relata o seguinte: "Penetramos nunha aldea e matamos tódolos homes por consideralos os nosos inimigos".
Fonte: C05 (924)
EN Around a thousand years before the Incas, between the first and seventh centuries A.D., the Moches occupied a 600-kilometre wide band of desert off the northern coast of Peru, sandwiched by the Pacific Ocean and the Andes.
GL Mil anos antes dos incas, entre os séculos I e VII da nosa era, os moche ocuparon unha angosta franxa desértica de 600 km. na costa norte do Perú, entre os Andes e o Pacífico.
Fonte: C26 (631)