EN He added that he had no knowledge as to how the result was obtained; the dogs had been treated in all respects as usual, and were of an ordinary breed.
GL Engadiu que non tiña idea de cómo obtivera o tal resultado, pois tratara os cans coma sempre en tódolos aspectos, e eran da raza habitual.
Fonte: OIL (86)
EN She embodies a new breed of scientist, found around the world, who are increasingly at home with balance-sheets as well as test-tubes.
GL É exemplo dunha nova categoría de científicos que, en tódalas partes do mundo, se debaten entre as probetas e os balances contables.
Fonte: C20 (91)
EN He knew the breed, and he gave his advice in the certainty that it would not be followed.
GL Anque coñecía moi ben aquela caste de xente e tiña a certeza de que non farían caso do que el lles aconsellase.
Fonte: CHA (1087)
transitive verb
PAST: bred. PART: bred |
EN Perhaps he had been born and bred among serious dissenters, seeing salvation in Jesus only and abhorring the vain pomps of the establishment.
GL Se cadra nacera e fora criado en ríxidos disidentes, que vían a salvación soamente en Xesús e aborrecían as pompas vas da Igrexa establecida.
Fonte: RET (3682)
EN I do therefore humbly offer it to public consideration that of the hundred and twenty thousand children already computed, twenty thousand may be reserved for breed, whereof only one-fourth part to be males; which is more than we allow to sheep, black cattle or swine; and my reason is, that these children are seldom the fruits of marriage, a circumstance not much regarded by our savages, therefore one male will be sufficient to serve four females.
GL Polo tanto, propoño humildemente isto á consideración do Estado: dos cento vinte mil nenos xa calculados, vinte mil poden reservarse para procrear, deses só unha cuarta parte son machos, que é máis do que lle permitimos ás ovellas, ó gando ou ós porcos; e o meu razoamento é que eses nenos rara vez son froito dun matrimonio, circunstancia que os nosos salvaxes non consideran moito, así que un macho será suficiente para servir a catro femias.
Fonte: PRO (17)
EN Young Halpin was of a dreamy, indolent and rather romantic turn, somewhat more addicted to literature than law, the profession to which he was bred.
GL O pequeno Halpin tiña un carácter soñador, indolente e bastante romántico, e en certa maneira era máis afeccionado á literatura ca ao dereito, profesión para a que fora educado.
Fonte: HAL (68)
EN His transient masters since he had come into the Northland had bred in him a fear that no master could be permanent.
GL Os sucesivos donos que tivera desde que viñera para o Norte produciran nel a sospeita de que ningún amo é permanente.
Fonte: CHA (1203)