EN His bride, when she saw her old love, bade him welcome, but was most fearful lest be should eat the faery food, and so be glamoured out of the earth into that bloodless dim nation, wherefore she set him down to play cards with three of the cavalcade; and he played on, realizing nothing until he saw the chief of the band carrying his bride away in his arms.
GL A noiva, en canto viu o seu antigo amor, deulle a benvida, mais temía que tomase da comida encantada e ficase así arrincado da terra e enmeigado naquela incruenta e sombría nación, polo que o sentou a xogar á baralla con tres dos da comitiva; e el xogou e seguiu xogando, sen decatarse de nada ata que viu que o xefe do grupo levaba canda el a súa noiva en brazos.
Fonte: CEL (79)
EN It hadn't taken them many minutes, after all, to put down on the table, like the cards of a pack, those that constituted their respective hands; only what came out was that the pack was unfortunately not perfect --that the past, invoked, invited, encouraged, could give them, naturally, no more than it had.
GL Non lles levara moito tempo, despois de todo, pór enriba da mesa, coma as cartas dunha baralla, aquelas que constituían as súas respectivas bazas; pero o que descubriran fora que a baralla, desgraciadamente, non estaba completa; que o pasado, invitado, invocado, alentado, non podía, naturalmente, darlles máis do que lles dera.
Fonte: BES (37)