EN On one side the air was cool, but on the other the fire thrust out a savage arm of heat that crinkled hair on the instant.
GL Nun lado o aire era fresco, pero no outro o lume estendía un brazo de fogaxe que puña o pelo crecho ó momento.
Fonte: SEN (1086)
insensible, · insensíbel
EN The sun seems to give less heat,' she said, looking about her, for it was bright enough, the grass still a soft deep green, the house starred in its greenery with purple passion flowers, and rooks dropping cool cries from the high blue.
GL Parece que o sol non quenta -- dixo mirando ó seu arredor, pois había luz abonda, a herba aínda tiña un verde suave e intenso, a casa coruscaba entre a vexetación salpicada de pasifloras moradas, e as grallas lanzaban berros insensibles desde o ceo azul.
Fonte: CAR (190)
EN He lay still, as if his soul lay amid cool waters, conscious of faint sweet music.
GL Ficaba deitado, como se a súa alma xacese entre augas frías, consciente da música doce e desmaiada.
Fonte: RET (4327)
EN But did you ever hear anything so cool as Mrs Walker's wanting me to get into her carriage and drop poor Mr Giovanelli; and under the pretext that it was proper?
GL ¿Pero escoitou algunha vez algo tan impropio como que a Mrs Walker me quixese facer entrar na súa carruaxe e deixar ó pobre Mr Giovanelli, e coa excusa de iso era o correcto?
Fonte: DAI (1114)
EN I'd make her calm down, and then I'd go over to the other side of the living-room and take out this cigarette case and light a cigarette, cool as all hell.
GL Diríalle que acougase e logo iría ó outro lado da sala e acendería un cigarro, moi tranquilo.
Fonte: VIX (6692)
EN She was up and dressed in the cool of the early morning.
GL Ergueuse e vestiuse co frescor das primeiras horas da mañá.
Fonte: ESP (850)
transitive verb
EN The tank looks like an enormous fountain, since the system consists of a set of perforated pipes through which the water gushes before cooling in contact with the air.
GL A lagoa semella unha enorme fonte, xa que o sistema de refrixeración consiste nunha serie de tubos perforados a través dos que sae a auga, que se arrefría ó contacto co aire.
Fonte: C04 (363)
EN Accelerate a subatomic particle like an electron or proton, crash it into a partner, and the energies accumulated in its light-speed dash will be scattered into more massive, very short-lived particles --exactly the sort of particles that reigned in the early universe before gluing together as space cooled.
GL Se se acelera unha partícula subatómica, un electrón ou un protón, por exemplo, e se se estrela contra outra, as enerxías acumuladas no seu avance á velocidade dispersaríanse en partículas máis grandes, de vida curta, exactamente o tipo de partículas que había no universo primitivo antes de que se aglomerasen ó arrefece-lo espacio.
Fonte: C16 (183)
..... to cool down
EN The brother of the Guide of the Islamic Republic, Hadi Khamenei, a leading member of the reformist camp, had to step in and cool tempers down, saying that all forms of veils, from the simple head-scarf to the chador, are acceptable.
GL O irmán do guía da revolución islámica, Hadi Jamenei, un dos portavoces dos reformadores, tivo que intervir para calma-los ánimos afirmando que tódalas formas de velo, do simple pano ó chador, eran aceptables.
Fonte: C24 (145)