EN The cook had spent three days over that dish.
GL A cociñeira botara tres días para facer aquel prato.
Fonte: CAR (1544)
transitive verb
EN Smoke of the first fires seeped out through the walls of the brush houses, and the first smell of cooking corncakes was in the air.
GL O fume dos primeiros lumes escapaba a través das paredes das casopas e o primeiro recendo das tortas cociñadas estaba no aire.
Fonte: PER (1113)
EN Steam launches arrive one after the other, laden with sardines, merluza (cod), red fanecas (whiting-pout) and many other kinds; a crowd of women, many of them with lighted candles, clean or examine the fish, and charcoal fires light up the faces of fishermen just returned from the sea and preparing to cook their evening meal.
GL Lanchas de vapor chegan unha tras da outra, ateigadas de sardiñas, pixota, fanecas vermellas e moitas outras especies. Unha multitude de mulleres, moitas delas con candeas acesas, limpan e examinan o peixe, e os lumes de carbón alumean as caras dos pescadores que acaban de chegar do mar e se dispoñen a prepara-la cea.
Fonte: GAL (946)
EN Madame Antoine had cooked little else than the mullets, but while Edna slept Robert had foraged the island.
GL Madame Antoine guisara pouco máis cós salmonetes, pero, mentres que Edna durmía, Robert saqueara a illa.
Fonte: ESP (1042)
EN Cooked fruit, that's what we'll have to eat, and roast pork.
GL Froita cocida, iso é o que teriamos que comer, e porco asado.
Fonte: SEN (1220)