EN It had these very funny, crazy plays in it, and then it had this one story about a traffic cop that falls in love with this very cute girl that's always speeding.
GL Tiña aquelas comedias tolas, e logo tiña aquela historia dun garda de tráfico que se namora daquela rapaza tan curriña que sempre conduce moi rápido.
Fonte: VIX (546)
transitive verb
EN When the two policemen pass the group of "immigrants", the policeman playing the part of Fabio, an 18-year-old Belgian citizen of Mediterranean origin, calls them "poulets" (chickens) a French slang word meaning "cops".
GL Cando a parella de axentes pasa diante do grupo de inmigrantes, o policía que fai o papel de Fabio, un cidadán belga de orixe latina de 18 anos, chámalles "polos", que no argot da rúa significa "policía".
Fonte: C23 (1137)