EN Just now (but this cannot last, she thought, dissociating herself from the moment while they were all talking about boots) just now she had reached security; she hovered like a hawk suspended; like a flag floated in an element of joy which filled every nerve of her body fully and sweetly, not noisily, solemnly rather, for it arose, she thought, looking at them all eating there, from husband and children and friends; all of which rising in this profound stillness (she was helping William Bankes to one very small piece more and peered into the depths of the earthenware pot) seemed now for no special reason to stay there like a smoke, like a fume rising upwards, holding them safe together.
GL Xusto naquel instante (pero non pode durar, pensou, disociándose do momento presente mentres todos falaban de botas), xusto naquel instante recuperara a seguridade; peneirábase coma un falcón suspendido; coma unha bandeira despregada nun movemento de xúbilo que afectaba a tódolos nervios do seu corpo suavemente e con plenitude, sen balbordo, máis ben con solemnidade, pois, pensou, mirando para todos mentres comían, xurdía do seu home, dos seus fillos e amigos; todo aquilo erguéndose nese fondo sosego (andaba á procura doutro anaco máis pequeno, e miraba dentro da pota de barro, para servirllo a William Bankes), semellando agora, sen motivo especial, que había permanecer alí coma se fose fume, coma un vapor que se erguía sobre as súas cabezas, que os mantiña a salvo xuntos.
Fonte: CAR (1624)
EN They streamed upwards before his anguished eyes in dense and maddening fumes and passed away above him till at last the air was clear and cold again.
GL Erguíanse diante dos seus ollos anguriados en fumes mestos e enlouquecidos e pasaron por riba del ata que o aire ficou de novo claro e frío.
Fonte: RET (1815)
EN It is like panning for gold in a flowing sewer; both the raw and toxic sewage and the gold are there, and the question is how much gold any individual can extract before the fumes and the corruption drive him off --or until he keels over and falls in and becomes part of the sewer system.
GL É como buscar ouro nun sumidoiro estragado; tanto os vertidos tóxicos como o ouro están aí; a cuestión é saber canto ouro pode extraer alguén antes de que os gases e a corrupción o expulsen, ou ata que se axeonlle e forme parte do sistema.
Fonte: C30 (1354)
intransitive verb
botar fume
EN "Mercy!" exclaimed Edna, who had been fuming.
GL --Por favor! --exclamou Edna, botando fume.
Fonte: ESP (1419)