EN She hadn't lost it, but she wouldn't give it back to him, he saw, without some putting forth of his hand for it; and he not only saw that, but saw several things more, things odd enough in the light of the fact that at the moment some accident of grouping brought them face to face he was still merely fumbling with the idea that any contact between them in the past would have had no importance.
GL Ela non o perdera, pero percibiu que non llo devolvería sen que el estendese algo a man para recibilo; e non só percibiu iso, senón varias cousas máis, cousas ben estrañas tendo en conta que, cando un movemento fortuíto do grupo os situou fronte a fronte, el aínda lle estaba a dar voltas á idea de que calquera contacto entre eles no pasado non debera ter importancia ningunha.
Fonte: BES (53)
EN Of the eight (see box), three seem to be especially significant: a psychological phenomenon called the "peak shift effect"; the principle of "grouping"; and the benefit of focusing on a single visual cue.
GL Das oito (véxase recadro), tres parecen ter unha importancia especial; o fenómeno psicolóxico do "efecto de intensidade máxima", o principio de asociación e a facultade de concentrarse nunha soa pista visual.
Fonte: C29 (1111)