EN The glories of Mary held his soul captive: spikenard and myrrh and frankincense, symbolizing her royal lineage, her emblems, the late-flowering plant and late-blossoming tree, symbolizing the age-long gradual growth of her cultus among men.
GL As glorias de María enfeitizábanlle a alma: o nardo, a mirra, o incenso simbolizaban a súa liñaxe real; os emblemas, a planta e máis a árbore de florecemento serodio simbolizaban a medra lenta e gradual do culto a María entre os homes.
Fonte: RET (2163)
EN And the pearl was ugly; it was gray, like a malignant growth.
GL A perla era fea, era gris coma un tumor maligno.
Fonte: PER (1617)
EN No Celt even, however extravagant, pretends to the possession of a body of Celtic philosophy, and Celtic science of independent growth.
GL Ningún celta tampouco, por moi extravagante, pretende a posesión dun corpo de filosofía celta e ciencia celta de crecemento independente.
Fonte: LET (483)