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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- groom, groove, grope, gross, grossly, grossness, grotesque, grotesquely, grotto, ground, groundbreaking, grounding, groundless, groundswell, groundwater, groundwork, group, grouping, grove


- noun
- chan

EN The ground was hardened by an accustomed tread and as Jack rose to his full height he heard something moving on it.
GL O chan estaba calcado polo continuo tripar e, cando Jack se puxo en pé, oíu algo que se movía.
- Fonte: SEN (1302)
- terreo

EN They entered the grounds of the college and were led by the garrulous porter across the quadrangle.
GL Entraron nos terreos do College e foron conducidos, a través do patio, por un porteiro charlatán.
- Fonte: RET (1860)
- terra

EN It was February, and the gravediggers had been forced to use electric drills to open the frozen ground in Vienna's Central Cemetery.
GL Era febreiro e os sepultureiros víranse forzados a empregar barrenas eléctricas para furar a terra xelada do Cemiterio Central de Viena.
- Fonte: TER (49)
- fundamento

EN Mr. Coleridge, who does not usually offend by laxity and indecision of purpose, has in this instance allowed the very objects of his advice to shift and fluctuate before him; and from the beginning to the end, nothing is firmly constructed for the apprehension to grasp, nor are the grounds of judgment steadily maintained.
GL O Sr. Coleridge, que non ofende usualmente por lasitude e indecisión de propósito, ten, neste caso, permitido que os mesmos temas da súa opinión deriven e fluctúen diante del; e do principio á fin, nada está construído firmemente para que o entendemento o aprehenda, nin están os fundamentos do xuízo mantidos establemente.
- Fonte: LET (32)
.....--- on the ground of
- por

EN The states usually justify high military spending on the ground of its deterrent effect, and hence as a means of guaranteeing the security of their citizens.
GL Os Estados adoitan xustifica-los elevados gastos militares polo seu valor disuasivo e tamén como un medio de garanti-la seguridade dos cidadáns.
- Fonte: C14 (1152)

- transitive verb
- fundar

EN Most importantly, the decline of racist ideology does not signal the end of racial discrimination, grounded, as the UN stipulates, on "race, colour, or ethnic origin".
GL O seu ocaso tampouco significou a fin da discriminación racial fundada "na color, na ascendencia, na orixe nacional ou étnica", segundo a definición das Nacións Unidas.
- Fonte: C05 (10)