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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- hurling, hurray, hurricane, hurried, hurriedly, hurry, hurt, hurtful, hurtle, husband, hush, hushed, hushing, husk, huskily, husking, husky, hustle, hustler


- noun
- Fem: wife
- home

EN She took a look at life, for she had a clear sense of it there, something real, something private, which she shared neither with her children nor with her husband.
GL Mirou para a vida fite a fite, pois tiña clara conciencia de que estaba alí, como algo real, como algo privado que non compartía nin cos seus fillos nin co seu home.
- Fonte: CAR (797)
- marido

EN And suddenly the meaning which, for no reason at all, as perhaps they are stepping out of the Tube or ringing a doorbell, descends on people, making them symbolical, making them representative, came upon them, and made them in the dusk standing, looking, the symbols of marriage, husband and wife.
GL E, de súpeto, o significado que, sen ningunha razón aparente, reviste as persoas que se cadra están a subi-las escaleiras do metro ou a chamar nunha porta converténdoas en algo simbólico, en algo representativo, descendeu sobre eles, que estaban alí de pé no solpor, mirando, e converteunos nos símbolos do matrimonio, marido e muller.
- Fonte: CAR (1054)
- esposo

EN Rip's daughter took him home to live with her; she had a snug, well-furnished house, and a stout cheery farmer for a husband, whom Rip recollected for one of the urchins that used to climb upon his back.
GL A filla de Rip levouno a vivir con ela. Tiña unha casa cómoda e cálida e ben amoblada, e un granxeiro corpulento e alegre por esposo, que Rip recoñeceu como un dos pillabáns que adoitaban subirlle ó lombo.
- Fonte: RIP (219)