Pl: men; Fem: woman |
EN Human relations were all like that, she thought, and the worst (if it had not been for Mr Bankes) were between men and women.
GL As relacións humanas son todas así, pensou, e as peores (se non fose polo señor Bankes) eran as dos homes coas mulleres.
Fonte: CAR (1415)
EN Man and wife entered into a solemn compact, now, to never mention the great news to any one while the relative lived, lest some ignorant person carry the fact to the death-bed.
GL Marido e muller fixeron entón un pacto solemne polo que, mentres que aquel parente de seu vivise, non lle falarían daquela nova estupenda a ninguén por medo a que algún ignorante fixese chegar aquel feito ata o leito do moribundo.
Fonte: LEG (34)
ser humano
EN Such an enigma is man --born to perish-- when he wars, as I do, against the established laws of his nature.
GL ¡Ai, o ser humano é un misterio! Nacemos para perecer e teimamos a loitar, como fago eu, contra as leis que rexen a nosa natureza.
Fonte: MOR (250)