EN At the date of this story the Western powers had more or less ceased to put in applications or reply to the Russian ones.
GL Cando esta historia sucedía, as potencias occidentais case deixaran de enviar instancias ou de contestar as rusas.
Fonte: TER (1804)
EN She turned the page; there were only a few lines more, so that she would finish the story, though it was past bedtime.
GL Pasou a páxina; só quedaban unhas poucas liñas máis, de xeito que había remata-lo conto aínda que xa pasaba da hora de deitarse.
Fonte: CAR (815)
EN Rural exodus was just one of the themes broached in the dialogues, comic strips, poems, short stories and games written by youth between 12 and 25 during a summer camp held in August 1998 in Senegal, in the coastal village of Palmarin.
GL O éxodo rural é un dos moitos temas abordados nos diálogos, bandas deseñadas, poemas, relatos breves e xogos realizados en agosto de 1998 por mozos de entre 12 e 25 anos nun campamento de verán de Palmarin, aldea da costa de Senegal.
Fonte: C20 (956)
EN The Western press in particular has towed this line, peddling stories about water inevitably killing prospects for peace.
GL Na prensa occidental non faltaron os artigos que insisten en que a auga será fatal para a paz.
Fonte: C28 (224)