EN Martins had long given up hope and so had I, where I waited at the end of a phone several streets away, with a party of the sewer police ready to go down if it became necessary.
GL Martins hai tempo que renunciara á esperanza; eu, que agardaba rentes do teléfono, a varias rúas de distancia, cun fato de policías dos sumidoiros dispostos a baixar se fose necesario, tamén.
Fonte: TER (2271)
EN So entire and unquestionable was this sense of the divine meaning in all nature granted to his soul that he could scarcely understand why it was in any way necessary that he should continue to live.
GL Tan íntegra e incuestionable era a sensación do designio divino que a natureza proporcionaba á súa alma que a penas comprendía por que era preciso que seguise vivindo.
Fonte: RET (3053)