preposition or adverb
EN Below the Monte del Alba is the little village of Valladares, and more immediately above Vigo a bell rings slowly from a Capuchin convent on the hill.
GL Debaixo do Monte da Alba érguese a aldea de Valadares, e xusto por riba de Vigo unha campá tanxe lentamente no convento dos Capuchinos situado nun outeiro.
Fonte: GAL (943)
por debaixo
EN But there was a price below which they dared not go, for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church.
GL Pero había un prezo por debaixo do cal nunca ousaban poñerse porque xa sucedera que, nun momento de desesperación, un pescador collera as súas perlas e as doara á igrexa.
Fonte: PER (361)
EN He longed for the minor sacred offices, to be vested with the tunicle of subdeacon at high mass, to stand aloof from the altar, forgotten by the people, his shoulders covered with a humeral veil, holding the paten within its folds or, when the sacrifice had been accomplished, to stand as deacon in a dalmatic of cloth of gold on the step below the celebrant, his hands joined and his face towards the people, and sing the chant Ite, missa est.
GL Ansiaba os oficios sacros menores; revestirse coa túnica de subdiácono na misa maior, ficar afastado do altar, esquecido da xente, cos ombreiros cubertos polo amicto e a patena dobrada entre os seu pregos ou, cando o sacrificio xa tivera lugar, actuar de diácono, con dalmática de pano dourado, no banzo inferior ao do celebrante, coas mans unidas e o rostro dirixido para os fregueses, entoando o canto Ite missa est.
Fonte: RET (3173)
EN After Villanueva the road gives hopes of great things, cutting through heather and pine, with a stream below to the right, and on the left a pyramid-shaped mountain completely purple save for a few great boulders of white granite; but it soon becomes uninteresting.
GL Despois de Vilanova a estrada dá esperanzas de grandes cousas, cortando a través de breixos e piñeiros, cunha corrente abaixo á dereita e á esquerda unha montaña en forma de pirámide completamente púrpura a non ser por uns poucos penedos de granito branco; pero axiña se perde o interese.
Fonte: GAL (501)
EN Below it on the floor, just where it had fallen from Mrs Hubbard's hand, was a straight-bladed dagger -- a cheap affair, sham Oriental, with an embossed hilt and a tapering blade.
GL Baixo o neceser, no chan, xusto onde lle caera a Missis Hubbard das mans, había unha daga, unha imitación barata dunha daga oriental, coa empuñadura repuxada e unha longa folla triangular.
Fonte: ASA (3983)
ao pé, · ó pé
EN She went and stood at an open window and looked out upon the deep tangle of the garden below.
GL Entrou, ficou de pé a carón da fiestra aberta, e mirou o enguedellado labirinto do xardín que se estendía ós seus pés.
Fonte: ESP (1445)
EN So he asked the owl to tell him what was this love about which all the birds in the groves below were singing.
GL De xeito que lle pediu á curuxa que lle dixese qué era ese amor verbo do que tódalas aves dos arboredos de embaixo estaban a cantar.
Fonte: ALH (397)