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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- belly, belong, belongings, beloved, below, belt, bemoan, bench, benchmark, bend, beneath, Benedictine, benediction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficiary, benefit, benevolence, benevolent


- intransitive verb
- PAST: bent. PART: bent
- inclinarse

EN But surely no man, bent on the improvement of his faculties, was ever guilty of these errors under these names; that is, knowingly and deliberately.
GL Pero de seguro ningún home, inclinado sobre a mellora das súas facultades, foi nunca culpable deses erros baixo eses nomes, isto é, consciente e deliberadamente.
- Fonte: LET (180)
- agacharse

EN Martins bent as she passed, fumbling at his shoelace, but looking up from the ground he saw at his own eyes' level the scrutinising cold-blooded gnome-gaze of little Hansel.
GL Cando pasou cerca del, Martins agachouse como para amarrar o cordón do zapato; pero cando ergueu a vista atopou, xusto á altura dos ollos, a mirada fría e inquisidora do pequeno Hansel, igual que un gnomo.
- Fonte: TER (1242)
- dobrarse

EN They stand ten and twelve feet high, and their gaunt stalks, with a tuft of leaves at the top, bend in the same curves and varying directions as the palm trees of Elche's groves, of which they are miniature copies.
GL Poden chegar a unha altura de tres metros e os seus canotos, cunha curupela de follas na cima, dóbranse coas mesmas curvas e na mesma dirección das palmeiras das alamedas de Elxe das que semellan copias en miniatura.
- Fonte: GAL (264)
.....--- to bend down
- anicarse

EN He was caught in the whirl of a scrimmage and, fearful of the flashing eyes and muddy boots, bent down to look through the legs.
GL Viuse collido no remuíño dunha rapañota, e temeroso dos ollos brillantes e das botas lamacentas, anicouse para mirar entre as pernas.
- Fonte: RET (71)
.....--- to be bent upon
- estar obcecado en

EN After all, I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed by wise men, which shall be found equally innocent, cheap, easy, and effectual.
GL Despois de todo, non estou tan obcecado na miña opinión como para rexeitar algunha proposta dun home sabio, que será igual de inocente, barata, doada e válida.
- Fonte: PRO (51)

- transitive verb
- dobrar

EN The old owl no longer hooted, and the water-oaks had ceased to moan as they bent their heads.
GL A vella curuxa xa non aturuxaba, e os carballos de auga deixaran de laiar mentres dobraban as cabezas.
- Fonte: ESP (841)
- inclinar

EN With her little Chinese eyes and her puckered-up face she would never marry; one could not take her painting very seriously; but she was an independent little creature, Mrs Ramsay liked her for it, and so remembering her promise, she bent her head.
GL Cos seus olliños achinesados e a súa cara francida non ía casar endexamais; aínda que non se podía toma-la súa pintura moi en serio, ela era unha criaturiña independente, á señora Ramsay gustáballe por iso, e así, relembrando a súa promesa, inclinou a cabeza.
- Fonte: CAR (154)
- torcer

EN The prince was struck with the wisdom of this advice, and accordingly bent his course towards Seville.
GL O príncipe quedou aglaiado coa sabedoría deste consello, e conforme con el torceu o rumbo cara a Sevilla.
- Fonte: ALH (556)
- dirixir

EN Piggy bent his flashing glasses to them and could be heard between the blasts, repeating their names.
GL O Piggy dirixiu as brillantes lentes cara a eles e despois púidose escoitar, entre os estouros da buguina, como repetía os seus nomes.
- Fonte: SEN (360)
- partir

EN All about were evidences of a furious struggle; small sprouts of poison-oak were bent and denuded of leaf and bark; dead and rotting leaves had been pushed into heaps and ridges on both sides of the legs by the action of other feet than theirs; alongside the hips were unmistakable impressions of human knees.
GL Todo ao redor evidenciaba que houbera unha loita furiosa: os brotes de carballo velenoso estaban partidos e despoxados de follas e de cortiza; follas secas e podrecidas foran amontoadas por outros pés a ambos lados das pernas do morto; á altura das cadeiras apreciábanse pegadas inequívocas de xeonllos humanos.
- Fonte: HAL (213)
- violar

EN The codes were often pernicious, and rules were bent to suit the upper castes.
GL A miúdo, os códigos foron perniciosos e violáronse as regras para favorece-las castas superiores.
- Fonte: C05 (279)
- curvar

EN During the twentieth century, the Newtonian universe was substituted by a curved Einsteinian universe; Einstein showed how matter and energy can bend space and alter the flow of time, endowing them with an unprecedented plasticity.
GL O universo curvo de Einstein veu substituír no século XX ó universo newtoniano. Einstein demostrou como a materia e a enerxía poden curva-lo espacio e modifica-lo curso do tempo, dotando a ambos dunha plasticidade sen precedente.
- Fonte: C16 (416)
- falsear

EN Yet even the American National Academy of Sciences considers that it is difficult to find individuals of sufficient seniority and with visibly clean hands to form a watchdog body that would call to account those who manipulate data, appropriate ideas or bend conclusions.
GL Pero mesmo a Academia Nacional de Ciencias dos Estados Unidos admite que é difícil atopar profesionais coa suficiente relevancia ou integridade como para formar comités de vixilancia que pidan contas a aqueles que manipulan datos, se apropian de ideas alleas ou falsean conclusións.
- Fonte: C25 (887)

- noun
- curva

EN Ere they returned to camp he knew enough to stop at 'ho', to go ahead at 'mush', to swing wide on the bends, and to keep clear of the wheeler when the loaded sled shot downhill at their heels.
GL Ó voltar ó campamento xa sabía que "¡xo!" significaba deterse, e "¡arre!" avantar, e que cumpría colle-las curvas ben abertas e manterse a distancia do guía cando o trineo cargado se embalaba costa abaixo.
- Fonte: CHA (241)
- volta

EN Between Noya ard Muros a bridge of twenty arches is being widened for wheeled traffic below the little grey village of Cando, high in tho hills, and there are charming glimpses of bends and inlets of blue water through the pines, or a rust-coloured sail is seen moving along the tops of the maize.
GL Entre Noia e Muros unha ponte de vinte arcos está sendo ancheada para o tránsito rodado por baixo do lugar gris de Cando, aló enriba nas montañas. Albíscanse preciosas vistas de voltas e entrantes de auga azul entre os piñeiros e unha vela cor do ferruxe movéndose por riba do millo.
- Fonte: GAL (714)
- meandro

EN In short, they must know how to imitate the bends of a river in order to obtain what we call "sinuous currents".
GL E, ó cabo, cómo face-los meandros para conseguilo que nós denominamos correntes sinuosas.
- Fonte: C22 (109)