EN We shall try to understand them fully during these few days so that we may derive from the understanding of them a lasting benefit to our souls.
GL Tentaremos comprendelas a fondo durante estes poucos días, de xeito que poidamos tirar da súa comprensión un beneficio duradeiro para as nosas almas.
Fonte: RET (2256)
EN With the disappearance of Ibrahim Ebn Abu Ayub ceased the benefit of his talismans.
GL Coa desaparición de Ibrahim Ebn Abu Aiub, finou o proveito dos seus talismáns.
Fonte: ALH (317)
EN Subsidio
Social transfers in the form of pensions, unemployment benefits and child allowances increased relative to gross domestic product (GDP) or remained constant.
GL A cobertura social -xubilacións, subsidios de desemprego, asignacións familiares- medrou en porcentaxe respecto do PIB ou mantívose constante.
Fonte: C11
EN Farmers in the U.S. are already experiencing the benefits of insect-resistant and herbicide-resistant crops through higher yields and profits.
GL Os campesiños estadounidenses advirten xa as vantaxes das especies resistentes ós insectos e ás malas herbas.
Fonte: C29
transitive verb
EN You might say that this was a form of distribution -- unfair distribution because it benefited only the rich patient, but the original distribution could hardly have a claim to greater fairness.
GL A isto chamaríalle eu unha maneira inxusta de repartila, xa que só se beneficiaban os enfermos ricos... pero tampouco poderiamos afirmar que a distribución oficial fose máis xusta.
Fonte: TER (1546)