EN To the sellers in the market, to the barmen and barmaids, to the beggars who importuned him for a lob Mr Dedalus told the same tale, that he was an old Corkonian, that he had been trying for thirty years to get rid of his Cork accent up in Dublin and that Peter Pickackafax beside him was his eldest son but that he was only a Dublin jackeen.
GL Aos vendedores do mercado, aos camareiros e camareiras, aos mendigos que o importunaban pedíndolle esmola, o señor Dédalus contaba a mesma historia: que era un vello corconiano, que botara trinta anos en Dublín tentando desfacerse do acento de Cork e que o Xan Pelouro que tiña á súa beira era o seu fillo máis vello, un auténtico dublinés.
Fonte: RET (1954)
EN On all sides he beheld vast store of apples; some hanging in oppressive opulence on the trees; some gathered into baskets and barrels for the market; others heaped up in rich piles for the cider-press.
GL Vía por todas partes enormes cantidades de mazás; algunhas colgaban luxosamente das árbores, outras estaban metidas en cestos e barrís para vendelas na feira e outras estaban amoreadas en fermosos montóns, listas para triturar e facer sidra con elas.
Fonte: LEN (165)
..... stock market
bolsa de valores
EN They have a lot of the trappings of the modern European or American economy --stock markets, bond markets, money markets, all these things-- and growing levels of wealth and income.
GL Dispoñen agora, como os norteamericanos e os europeos, de bolsa de valores, mercado de obrigas, etc. Os seus niveis de riqueza e de ingresos aumentaron notablemente.
Fonte: C04 (1492)
transitive verb
EN However, in trying to market these tours, the organizers have encountered a certain lack of enthusiasm on the part of tour operators who regard the projects as competition, albeit on a small scale.
GL Á hora de comercializa-los destinos, os promotores chocan con certa reticencia dalgúns tour operadores, que os consideran competidores en pequena escala.
Fonte: C12 (1330)