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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- misleading, mismanagement, misogynistic, misogyny, misplaced, misprint, misreading, misrepresented, misrule, miss, Miss, missal, misshappen, missile, missing, mission, missionary, misstatement, mist


- transitive verb
- faltar

EN Immediately it faded, he thought how odd that they were all there, just at that moment, all Harry's friends --Kurtz, the doctor, this man Cooler; only the two people who loved him seemed to have been missing.
GL A escena desapareceu e logo pensou que era raro ver a todos alí reunidos; precisamente naquel momento, todos os amigos de Harry alí: Kurtz, o médico, o tal Cooler... só faltaban as dúas persoas que el quería.
- Fonte: TER (678)
- botar en falta

EN She missed him the days when some pretext served to take him away from her, just as one misses the sun on a cloudy day without having thought much about the sun when it was shining.
GL Ela botábao en falta cando algún pretexto servía para retelo lonxe; do mesmo xeito que un bota en falta o sol nun día de néboa, sen se decatar, ata que o sol está resplandecendo.
- Fonte: ESP (673)
- botar de menos

EN After a while, if I didn't see them, if they didn't come in the room, or if I didn't see them in the dining-room for a couple of meals, I sort of missed them.
GL Despois dun pouco, se non os vía nin viñan ó meu cuarto nin nada, e se non os encontraba no comedor un par de veces, mesmo os botaba de menos.
- Fonte: VIX (6157)
- fallar

EN He wrote a bad Latin theme, Father Arnall said, and he missed all the questions in grammar.
GL Presentou un pésimo caderno de exercicios --dixo o Padre Arnall. E fallou todas as preguntas de gramática.
- Fonte: RET (1101)
- perder

EN Well, I suppose that doesn't interest you, but leastways there was such noise after the match that I missed the train home and I couldn't get any kind of a yoke to give me a lift for, as luck would have it, there was a mass meeting that same day over in Castletownroche and all the cars in the country were there.
GL Vale, xa vexo que non che interesa, mais, en fin, houbo tal boureo despois do partido que perdín o tren de volta á casa e non dei apañado nin un carro de bois que me levase e, para colmo de males, ese mesmo día había unha xuntanza relixiosa en Castletownroche e todos os vehículos da rexión estaban alá.
- Fonte: RET (3535)

- intransitive verb
- fallar

EN All he did was lift the Atlantic Monthly off his lap and try to chuck it on the bed, next to me. He missed.
GL Todo o que fixo foi apaña-lo Atlantic Monthly do colo e tentar tiralo na cama, xusto ó meu lado. Fallou.
- Fonte: VIX (272)
- mismanagement, misogynistic, misogyny, misplaced, misprint, misreading, misrepresented, misrule, miss, Miss, missal, misshappen, missile, missing, mission, missionary, misstatement, mist, mistake


- noun
- señorita

EN Let me introduce you to Miss Wilbraham and the Gräfin von Meyersdorf.
GL Permita que lle presente á señorita Wilbraham e á Condesa von Meyersdorf.
- Fonte: TER (1293)