EN He went up to his room after dinner in order to be alone with his soul, and at every step his soul seemed to sigh; at every step his soul mounted with his feet, sighing in the ascent, through a region of viscid gloom.
GL Subiu ao seu cuarto despois da cea para estar a soas coa súa alma, e a cada paso esta semellaba suspirar; cada banzo a alma subía ao mesmo tempo que os pés, suspirando na subida a través dunha rexión de viscosas tebras.
Fonte: RET (2733)
EN Then, probably from the 8th century, the stories of the mystical journey and of Mohamed's ascent merged and a very powerful emotional, intellectual, religious and personal link grew between al-Quds ("the holy"), which is the Arabic name for Jerusalem, and the Muslims.
GL Logo, probablemente no século VIII, confluíron os episodios de viaxe e de ascensión de Mahomet. Un vínculo emocional, relixioso, incluso identitario, dunha forza incrible, quedaba establecido así entre Al Qods, "a Santa", nome árabe de Xerusalén, e os musulmáns.
Fonte: C22 (1017)